Collectif travaillant sur l'Amérique Latine et contre la ZLÉA |
Description of what is the DIRA and it work. |
Links on different things |
Newspaper, magazines and zines. From here and elsewhere |
Groupe, collective's and Federation links |
(Sorry, this information is only available in French at this time.)
Ses groupe et collectif se retrouve à Montréal ou sa grande région. COBP / Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière.
Collectif Basé à Montréal qui lutte contre la brutalité policière.
Montreal Anarchist bookfair collective
collectif du salon du livre et leur site web.
The bloodsisters
Collectives/Québec city
La Page Noire
Infoshop of Québec
412, 3ième au coin de la 4ième rue
limoilou, Québec.
infopagenoire@yahoo.fr La Rixe
OCAP / Ontarion Coalition Against poverty
OCAP is a direct-action anti-poverty organization based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We mount campaigns against regressive government policies as they affect poor and working people. In addition, we provide direct-action advocacy for individuals against eviction, termination of welfare benefits, and deportation. We believe in the power of people to organize themselves. We believe in the power of resistance. ANTI-RACIST ACTION CANADA
The Anarchist Federation is an organisation of class struggle anarchists (based in Britain and Ireland, but with many contacts overseas) which aims to abolish Capitalism and all oppression to create a free and equal society. This is Anarchist Communism.
Anarchist federation FRANCE
Fédération Anarchiste de france.
Alternative Libertaire FRANCE
Fédération anarcho-comuniste
NEFAC / Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists
Fédération dont les groupes membres couvre la côte est de États-Unis et du Canada
La Confédération Nationale du Travail est la section française de lAssociation Internationale des TravailleurEs, Internationale qui regroupe les anarcho-syndicalistes du monde entier.
Anarchist web ring
Anarchist yellow pages
Anarchism on the web