CLAC-Logement / Comite des sans emploi
«C'est arrivé près de chez vous»
Block the Empire
CLAC-Logement / Comite des sans emploi
Latin America
No One Is Illegal

en francais seulement désolé
(Sorry, this information is only available in French at this time.)
Les réactionnaires du Parti conservateur du Canada n'ont pas leur place à Montréal

MARS 2005 bulletin
de la Clac-Logement et du Comité des sans-emploi
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Let's chase 'em down!
The Comité des sans-emploi Montreal-Centre (CSE) and CLAC-Logement are launching another issue of their newspaper " C'est arrivé près de chez vous ". This issue launches a new offensive against some well-known and less-known generals in the current anti-social attacks.
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“Political plan against the poor".
Charest and Jérôme-Forget, in their crusade against pretty much everything in the social sphere, have made sure that people on social assistance would - again - end up poorer.
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From gentrification to repression…
Less and less room for the marginals
Unsurprisingly, tickets are written and intimidation is ongoing in the streets and parks downtown and in Centre-sud. Indeed, once again this year, we see police kicking street people and sex workers out, thanks to the closing down of once "public" spaces.
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PPP? Public-Private Partnerships:
More money for bosses...
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Not so long ago, in late fall 2003, we thought that Quebec was on the verge of a civil war. Citizens committees, community groups, student associations, and particularly unionized workers were promising to put up a real fight against the Charest government.
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CROSSEUR of the month
Paul Tellier : Mr. Destruction
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bilan de l'été
(Sorry, this information is only available in French at this time.)
Comité des sans-emploi Montréal-centre et de la CLAC-logement
Retour sur l’action du 6 août contre la gentrification du centre-ville et la répression policière contre les jeunes, les itinérant-e-s et les pauvres

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Down with the Tory fundamentalists!
Next March, the Conservative Party of Canada will hold its founding congress in Montreal. Created last winter out of the fusion of the Progressive Conservative party and the Canadian Alliance party, this new party is pulling the Canadian political agenda to the right.
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